Category: Growth Mindset

Develop a growth mindset demonstrated in collaboration with others

Pottery #4 – The Great Pottery Throwdown

The Great Pottery Throwdown is a BBC show that brings home potters from all over England to Stoke-On-Trent to compete to be top potter.

The show has been a really interesting resource for me as a new potter, as watching other people make pottery really helps with my ability as a new potter, being a visual learner as I am.

The entire first season can be watched on youtube.

I also have found a book at the library that the BBC made that goes very in depth into the history of pottery. Looking at the history of pottery would be a really interesting lens to look at human history, culture, and art. So many civilizations made ceramics. Some of the only information we have about ancient civilizations has come from finding fragments of clay pottery. If students made their own pottery and learning about the history of pottery they would feel a much greater connection to history and the richness of pottery in this way.

Image result for The great pottery throwdown books

“Most Likely To Succeed”

A great watch!

I love the idea behind High Tech High and their practices of project and inquiry based learning. I want to implement these forms of learning in my teaching practice and this movie took away some of the ambiguity around how it looks and what it entails. I still wonder about how well it will be received by parents and the students, but I believe it is a worthwhile endeavour and a risk that will pay off.

I also loved the combination of topics as I believe that the division of learning into subjects taught in isolation without even acknowledging the cross over is outdated and unhelpful to learners lasting knowledge. I believe context is so key to knowledge synthesis and the intersection of art and science helps to create richness of understanding and relevance of content to learners.

This video is worth a watch. If you would like a preview check out the trailer at: