Category: Technology Competencies (Page 2 of 2)

Sept 20 – Class Highlights and Reflections

Today in class we talked about:

Tech Inquiry


Trello – Lists, emails, questions for Michael

Open educational resources, content creators and educators, creative commons (licensing tool for sharing material), teachers pay teachers (creating content and trying to sell it to other teachers).

Open Education: concerns: quality, who’s work is being put in this forum – (often teachers not being credited), who puts this together?

copyright – seeking permissions, fair allowances, open source, Copyright Act and Fair Dealing in Canada (Bill C-11).

Think about practice, have a good practice of giving credit to model good practice. Why is it important to copyright?  – give credit where credit is due, people want to be acknowledged for their work. links – at dot com put in the url so that you can more easily copy and share the link.

“Most Likely To Succeed”

A great watch!

I love the idea behind High Tech High and their practices of project and inquiry based learning. I want to implement these forms of learning in my teaching practice and this movie took away some of the ambiguity around how it looks and what it entails. I still wonder about how well it will be received by parents and the students, but I believe it is a worthwhile endeavour and a risk that will pay off.

I also loved the combination of topics as I believe that the division of learning into subjects taught in isolation without even acknowledging the cross over is outdated and unhelpful to learners lasting knowledge. I believe context is so key to knowledge synthesis and the intersection of art and science helps to create richness of understanding and relevance of content to learners.

This video is worth a watch. If you would like a preview check out the trailer at:

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