Category: Assessment

November 29 – Class Highlights

FreshGrade (Sam, Mitra, Jess S.)


  • communication tool, between parents and teachers
  • lesson plan option
  • digital portfolios – audio/video difficult to hear if not very quiet in surrounding area
  • Announcements
  • Activities
  • Report Cards

FreshGrade & FreshGrade NEXT

  • talk to teachers about use and frustrations
  • FreshGrade NEXT is just upgraded version of the program
  • (ACTIVITY* make hearts out of modelling clay)
  • NEXT is a bit slower


  • can connect to curriculum and tag posts as they connect to curricular outcomes
  • can connect to google translate – would impact privacy laws when connected to third-party sites
  • needs to be explained to parents
  • can increase pressure from parents, communicate with parents that your posting quality vs quantity and its a benefit and takes time, expectations


bobka – Anne

Google Teacher



Pacific School of Inquiry and Innovation – A Field Trip

On October 11, my ED 336 class went to the Pacific School for Innovation and Inquiry (also known as PSII, pronounced “sigh) to learn about Inquiry based learning.

This school, PSII, is, in my humble and professional opinion, so excellent and effective.

Inquiry is a beautiful process of learning that motivates students, provides an exceptional foundation for future learning, and prepares these young minds for the high-level executive functioning that is required to be successful in this modern world.

The students at this school start their year off by learning how to ask meaningful questions and spend their first week coming up with questions and then narrowing those questions down to topics that interest them and areas they would like to explore.  Once this is done, students are provided tools, support, and time to delve deep into their inquiry projects.

Inquiry is unique in that it is a learning style that emphasizes the process of learning, as opposed to the creation of an end result, which is the goal of project based learning or most traditional schooling models. If a students inquiry no longer interests them or they have learned a satisfactory amount they can let an line of inquiry be dropped. This often happens and is seen as part of the inquiry process.

The unique and authentic learning that occurs at PSII is inspiring. I hope that this model becomes more common place in our learning world.




“Most Likely To Succeed”

A great watch!

I love the idea behind High Tech High and their practices of project and inquiry based learning. I want to implement these forms of learning in my teaching practice and this movie took away some of the ambiguity around how it looks and what it entails. I still wonder about how well it will be received by parents and the students, but I believe it is a worthwhile endeavour and a risk that will pay off.

I also loved the combination of topics as I believe that the division of learning into subjects taught in isolation without even acknowledging the cross over is outdated and unhelpful to learners lasting knowledge. I believe context is so key to knowledge synthesis and the intersection of art and science helps to create richness of understanding and relevance of content to learners.

This video is worth a watch. If you would like a preview check out the trailer at: